The Essence of You Holistic Therapy and Coaching aims to focus on your emotional and spiritual well-being...

'Essence' is defined as the core nature or most important qualities of a person or thing.

  • 'Holistic' is Coined from a Greek word, 'holos', meaning 'whole' or 'complete'.

  • Holistic therapy and coaching look at the interconnectedness of the body, mind and spirit to help facilitate wellness and reach desired goals. 

  • The overall aim of holistic therapy is to address each issue in a holistic manner, while providing solutions and tools that will help each client to move through life with a sense of empowerment and success.

  • The Essence of You - Holistic Therapy and Coaching offers a range of modalities to assist each client with their individual healing and transformational journey including - Clinical Hypnotherapy and Coaching (Hypno-Coaching), Counselling, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/TFT), Art Therapy and The SleepTalk Process for children. 

  • Outcomes can include - Growth, change, self-love, self-respect, feeling empowered, looking and feeling good, motivation, happiness, freedom, confidence, calmness, success, new habits, personal success, achievement of goals. removal of blocks and more...

  • The Essence of You - Holistic Therapy and Coaching can help you to improve your life in so many wonderful ways.

about me

Melynda the Artiste

My name is Melynda von Wayward and I am a vibrant and creative woman who has spent 20+ years working in the professional arts industry in many different capacities.  My arts qualifications include a BA in Technical Production in Theatre from VCA and a Graduate Diploma in Arts Management from Melbourne University. 

I am a Creative Producer,  Visual Artist, Singer/Songwriter, Writer and a Subculture Historian. 

My creative projects include:

Melynda the Parent

I have a son who has a diagnosis of Aspergers, ADHD and ODD, as well as exhibiting some school refusal. Because of my son's diagnosis and often challenging behaviour, I have firsthand experience in navigating the Allied Health system to seek a variety of therapeutic modalities and support for my child including:

  • Occupational Therapy

  • Speech Therapy

  • Positive Behaviour Psychology

I have also explored several alternative programs and modalities in order to help my son evolve and thrive, including:

  • The SleepTalk Process

  • Homeopathy

  • Bush Flower Remedies

  • Brain Balance

  • Go Zen

  • Art and Music Therapy

Melynda the Therapist

I have had a love of spirituality and esoteric ever since I was a teenager and, feeling a strong pull towards the healing arts, I have gained professional qualifications in various modalities , and will continue to keep learning so that I can assist those around me.

My professional credentials include:

  • Graduate Dip. Experiential and Creative Arts Therapy

  • Dip. Counselling, Life Coaching, Clinical Hypnotherapy (NLP)

  • The SleepTalk Process - Foundation Coach 

  • Reiki - Level 1 & 2

  • Practitioner in EFT & TFT Tapping 

  • Ho'oponopono 

  • Women's Empowerment Life Coach 

  • Assessing and Treating Sexual Issues in Psychotherapy - Level 1