What is Online Therapy or Virtual Coaching?

Like traditional Therapy or Coaching, the goal of Online Therapy or Virtual Coaching is to improve one’s health and well-being, reduce symptoms of mental health issues or bad habits, and achieve desired goals in the chosen areas of one's life. The only difference is that, rather than attending in-person sessions, clients and virtual therapists/coaches communicate via video calling.

Does Online therapy Work?

Yes, online therapy sessions work the exact same way that they would in person – and you’re able to wear whatever you like and be in your own comfortable space. Online Therapy has the ability to reach people who otherwise wouldn't be able to make it to an office in person, and even more attractive is the flexible prices that are typically cheaper than in-person therapists.

NB: In an online hypnotherapy session, your hypnotherapist will guide you to a state of complete relaxation, just like they would in person. 

Online therapy, also called teletherapy or virtual therapy, isn’t right for everybody. Individuals who are experiencing an acute mental health emergency, are having thoughts about suicide or harming themselves or others, or who have been diagnosed with a serious mental illness like severe depression or schizophrenia will benefit more from in-person counselling.

  • If you are in a life-threatening situation or mental health emergency, please contact the right helpline in your country. 

  • If you’re in Australia, call triple zero (000) or Lifeline on 13 11 14. Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Yes, virtual coaching can be highly effective. While traditional coaching often occurs face-to-face, virtual coaching leverages technology to bridge the gap between coach and client, allowing for sessions to take place remotely via video calls, phone calls, emails, or messaging platforms.

As long as the rapport between the coach and client is strong and positive, online or virtual coaching sessions should be just as effective as in person coaching. 

Benefits of Online therapy or coaching Sessions:

  • A safe, familiar and comfortable environment.

  • No need to travel - Following directions, navigating traffic, finding (and paying for!) a parking spot – take the stress out of it all and simply click that Zoom hypnotherapy link.

  • Easily accessible and convenient - For those living with disability or illness, being able to remain home for sessions can be incredibly helpful. For others with time restrictions and other obligations, or those who live remotely, being able to access hypnotherapy from anywhere is a lifesaver.

  • More flexibility - With travel taken out of the equation, you’re able to find a time for your online hypnotherapy session that better suits you and your schedule.

  • Cost Effective - Online therapy and coaching sessions can be less expensive than in person sessions. 

  • COVID19 safe - Let’s face it – the world has changed. Online sessions mean you can remain COVID-safe.

  • NB: Having a hypnotherapy session in the comfort of your own home or office can aid in relaxation – the more relaxed you are, the more likely you are to go into a deeper hypnotic state, and the more effective your session will be.

What will I need?

The beauty of online therapy and coaching is that you don’t need any special equipment to participate – you’ll likely have everything you need already on hand.

You will need:

  • A computer or device that can connect to the internet and can be used for video chat

  • A reliable internet connection

  • A comfortable, private space where you can speak freely

  • Headphones or earphones (for those who prefer)

  • An open mind

  • If you are undertaking Art Therapy, you will need some art materials.